Two Church Pianos Bring Hope and Comfort in Tornado Aftermath

Two Church Pianos Bring Hope and Comfort in Tornado Aftermath

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As the global coronavirus pandemic continues, citizens of Chattanooga, Tennessee were devastated for a different reason on Sunday night: an EF-3..


According to, the Chattanooga tornado was one of dozens that came from a large storm system spanning six states. Cornerstone Apostolic Church was just one of the 150 buildings damaged by the Chattanooga tornado. The church’s pastor, Raymond Sloan, was helping clean up when he discovered something in the church that wasn’t destroyed: a piano.


“The wall in the entry had fallen and it covered everything,” said Pastor Sloan. “One of the men said we need to see what’s under this and there stood this piano. He sat down and started playing it and everybody in there started singing. No echo because the roof’s gone, but the spirit of unity.”


Amazingly, the piano appeared to be in good shape despite the 145 mph winds from the tornado. Even in the wake of such a devastating natural disaster on top of an already devastating global pandemic, the unscathed piano served as a symbol of hope.

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