
Sports Stars Meet Virtually to Discuss Christianity During Quarantine

Screenshot from FCA’s YouTube Video



Last Friday marked the first ever episode of “Huddle Up,” a virtual talk show sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). With everything happening currently surrounding the global pandemic, the athletes met virtually to discuss faith, Christianity, and what God might be able to teach us during this difficult time.


Shane Williamson, current President of the FCA, kicked off the discussion by reading Hebrews 10:23-25, which talks about holding fast to hope “without wavering; for he who promised is faithful.” He then invited NFL tight end Benjamin Watson, quarterback Luke McCown, wide receiver Brandin Cooks, and Major League Baseball pitcher Adam Wainwright to discuss how their faith had been tested throughout the past few weeks.


“God doesn’t do anything by accident,” said McCown. “God either ordains or allows every circumstance or situation. He ordains it, meaning that He makes it happen. Or He allows it; He gives permission for it to happen. This is just one of those things.”


With the current pandemic forcing cancellations of sports games and practices, it wouldn’t be surprising for professional players like McCown to be worried or frustrated. After all, no one has any idea when things will go back to normal.


But McCown sees this current time of uncertainty as a blessing. As he said during the online discussion, God is “causing everything to slow down.” The lockdowns and mandatory quarantines are chances to “engage with one another around the dinner table, around the board games, around the movie night schedule.”


“I can’t help but think that we have gotten so busy in our lives,” said McCown, “that there is an element that we are missing.”


Wainwright added, “There are just so many distractions that pull us in 12,000 different ways all the time. This is the time that if we are going to make the most of a bad situation, we could use this to really settle down and get our priorities straight.”


Cooks shared how he’s been making the most of this situation by reading the Bible with his wife. “It’s been awesome from that aspect because now she knows how to challenge me in a way that she didn’t know how to challenge me before. I think this time has been very fortunate for that.”


Cooks also discussed how resting is an art we should all cultivate. “I think during this time right now, we need to figure out a way to rest. I am not saying lounge around. But I am more so saying rest and what it means to rest in His word, praying and getting that reset button and being restored at a time like this.”


You can watch the whole discussion and other episodes of “Huddle Up” on the FCA’s YouTube channel.


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