Hundreds Pray in Cars Outside Georgia Hospital

Hundreds Pray in Cars Outside Georgia Hospital

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A video of hundreds gathered to pray outside of a Georgia Hospital has nearly 2 million views on Facebook since being uploaded on Friday, March 27th. A mere 30 seconds long, the video pans across a hospital parking full of people sitting safely in their cars, singing along to the gospel song cover “Waymaker,” by Micheal W. Smith.

Drivers flash their car lights like twinkling stars as they join voices in singing, “Way maker, Miracle worker, Promise keeper, Light in the darkness, My God, That is who you are.”

The gesture was meant to spread hope and faith during an especially difficult time for hospital staff and patients. By staying in their cars, the group showed solidarity and prayed for those in the hospital while still keeping a safe distance away from each other.

Alicia Fisher, who originally posted the video, said in her caption, “This is our community tonight gathering in our cars, at our hospital, Piedmont Fayette Hospital to pray over every single person in the building, every single worker, every window seal and every door post of this building from the front to the back, the top to the bottom!”

She ended her post with the hashtags “#SocialDistancingWasRespectedANDPracticed #WeCanMakeADifference #FaithToMoveAMountain #FlattenTheCurve.”

On YouTube, Tiffany FitzHenry shared the video with this statement: “I am stunned, humbled and inspired that this happened in my own hometown last night...This morning I woke up to messages from friends and neighbors showing me this video of what happened outside our local hospital last night. The second I saw it, after I wiped the tears from my cheeks, I said, 'the world needs to see this video!’”

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