The annunciation to Mary mother of Jesus|

The Angel Gabriel Visits Mary

"You Are Highly Favored by God"

Luke 1

One day Mary was carrying water to her parents’ home when she stopped to rest. While she sat there, the sun seemed to shine brighter and brighter. She looked up and was surprised to see that it was not the sun, but an angel.

Mary trembled in fear, but the Angel Gabriel spoke to her with words of comfort.

“Don’t be afraid. You are highly favored by God, Mary,” he said. “You will conceive and give birth to a son, whose name will be Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of God. His kingdom will have no end.”

With tears in her eyes, Mary watched the angel. Who was this heavenly being? Why was she the chosen one? How could she have a baby?

Mary finally asked, “How is this possible? I am not married to any man.”

“The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of God will make it possible for you to conceive His Son,” the angel answered. “Your cousin, Elisabeth, who is old and has never been pregnant, will also give birth to a son. With God, anything is possible.”

Mary believed what she was told by the heavenly messenger. She sensed that a rough road lay ahead, but her heart was tuned to the Spirit.

“I am the Lord’s servant and His work will be done,” Mary said, bowing her head.

With that, the angel left, and Mary rose. She determined to visit Elisabeth in Judea as soon as she could.

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