
A Prayer for Healing

1 Corinthians 12:7-9

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit;

To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit….

My family believes that the prayer of faith produces miracles. I love finding examples of that foundation of faith in the lives of ancestors who recorded their stories.

My great-great-grandfather John Bushman recorded one of his harrowing experiences rather matter-of-factly. Can you imagine getting your head partially scalped from falling under a wagon, and then getting up and trying to remain calm for your son (who is my great grandfather) and passenger while you drove yourself to the nearest town? All matter-of-factly? I love this story, and how he thanks everyone who helped him, and attributed his healing to a prayer of faith.

Severe Accident by John Bushman

The accident occurred while going to Snowflake, Arizona, on February 2, 1894, to fill an appointment. I was driving a four-horse outfit and the wagon was loaded with wheat to take to the grist mill. My eight-year-old son, Alonzo, and Mrs. Zina Parkinson were along.


Just before we got to Woodruff, then the road to Snowflake, I reached to urge the lead team. My foot slipped and I fell under the wagon. The four lines caught my left foot and dragged me some five yards before the lines turned the lead horses short and stopped them.

I got out from under the wagon with blood running over my face. The wheel had struck against my head and cut a gash five inches long in the scalp, turning over the scalp.

This frightened Mrs. Parkinson. I wrapped some clothes around my head to stop the blood and then drove to Woodruff to have my wound dressed.

It was found necessary to sew up my scalp and there was no surgeon around. All the men said they could not do it so Mrs. Mary Ellen Lillywhite sewed my scalp on.

Misters Lorenzo Hatch and Dexter prayed over me and asked the Lord to heal my wound. Mrs. Ruth Hatch, an experienced nurse, wrung cloths out of hot water and applied to my head every ten minutes all night. This drew all blood and dirt out of the wound. In about one week, it commenced to heal and I went home to St. Joseph.

I shall always feel grateful to Mrs. Lillywhite for her surgery, Mr. Levi M. Savage for his hospitality, Mrs. Ruth Hatch for her nursing, and Mr. Lorenzo Hatch for his prayer of faith that did make me well. 

Portrait of John Bushman circa 1880

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