Questions & Answers


How Jesus Heals

Everybody in life goes through painful experiences, but that's why we can all rely on the healing power of the Savior.

How Jesus Heals

Everybody in life goes through painful experiences, but that's why we can all rely on the healing power of the Savior.

What is the Meaning of the Name Jesus Christ?

What is the Meaning of the Name Jesus Christ?

As we understand the origin and purpose of the names “Jesus” and “Christ”, we can understand the significance of His life to a greater degree.

What is the Meaning of the Name Jesus Christ?

As we understand the origin and purpose of the names “Jesus” and “Christ”, we can understand the significance of His life to a greater degree.


Why is Jesus called the Lamb of God?

Jesus’ titles are often symbolic and help us both gain a greater appreciation of and learn who He really is.

Why is Jesus called the Lamb of God?

Jesus’ titles are often symbolic and help us both gain a greater appreciation of and learn who He really is.


Why is Jesus Christ called the Light of the World?

Jesus overcame death and sin. This is why Jesus is called the light of the world: His light is the only source of the joy God has promised can be...

Why is Jesus Christ called the Light of the World?

Jesus overcame death and sin. This is why Jesus is called the light of the world: His light is the only source of the joy God has promised can be...

Why is Jesus Christ called the Son of Man?

Why is Jesus Christ called the Son of Man?

These qualities all associate Jesus as the Son of God. Why, then, does Jesus often refer to Himself as the Son of Man?

Why is Jesus Christ called the Son of Man?

These qualities all associate Jesus as the Son of God. Why, then, does Jesus often refer to Himself as the Son of Man?


What did Jesus Teach about Charity?

The greatest example of the Savior’s feelings about charity, of course, is found in the final days of His life, when He took upon himself our sins in the Garden...

What did Jesus Teach about Charity?

The greatest example of the Savior’s feelings about charity, of course, is found in the final days of His life, when He took upon himself our sins in the Garden...