Questions & Answers

What does the name Jesus Christ mean?

What does the name Jesus Christ mean?

Over the last 2,000 years, there is one name that has been known by people more than any other in the world – that name is Jesus Christ.  The name...

What does the name Jesus Christ mean?

Over the last 2,000 years, there is one name that has been known by people more than any other in the world – that name is Jesus Christ.  The name...

What is Christianity?

What is Christianity?

Throughout history, a question that has surfaced many times is a simple one: what is Christianity? While at first glance this question may seem overwhelming, the truth is that the...

What is Christianity?

Throughout history, a question that has surfaced many times is a simple one: what is Christianity? While at first glance this question may seem overwhelming, the truth is that the...


Why is it important to have HOPE in Jesus?

Oftentimes when we think of hope, we may think of it as wishful thinking. Phrases may come to mind like “I hope that the weather changes.” “I hope that things...

Why is it important to have HOPE in Jesus?

Oftentimes when we think of hope, we may think of it as wishful thinking. Phrases may come to mind like “I hope that the weather changes.” “I hope that things...


How can trials lead us to spiritual growth?

When you think of the word “trial”, what comes to mind? There are several different contexts depending on what you are trying to explain. A trial can be an “experiment...

How can trials lead us to spiritual growth?

When you think of the word “trial”, what comes to mind? There are several different contexts depending on what you are trying to explain. A trial can be an “experiment...


Can Prayer Help With Stress?

Life is often filled with stress – whether that comes from our family circumstances, financial struggles, unexpected loss, or other stressors, it is important to find ways to cope with...

Can Prayer Help With Stress?

Life is often filled with stress – whether that comes from our family circumstances, financial struggles, unexpected loss, or other stressors, it is important to find ways to cope with...


How Does Taking on Jesus’ “Yoke” Make Our Own B...

Jesus famously promised “rest” to all those “that labor and are heavy laden.” He directed them to “[t]ake my yoke upon you,” assuring them that “my yoke is easy, and...

How Does Taking on Jesus’ “Yoke” Make Our Own B...

Jesus famously promised “rest” to all those “that labor and are heavy laden.” He directed them to “[t]ake my yoke upon you,” assuring them that “my yoke is easy, and...