
Why Are There So Many Marys in the New Testament?

The new testament has many Marys in part because Jews typically had only a single name, which has caused difficulties in distinguishing between individuals with the same name in the New Testament. For example, the New Testament records the names of at least seven different Marys. To distinguish among them, the New Testament authors included nicknames or other identifying facts about them, such as where they were from (Mary Magdalene or Mary of Magdala). The name Mary in Hebrew is "Miryam."

Who was Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ?

Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, lived in Nazareth, probably with her parents, when the annunciation of Jesus’ birth came, although Matthew and Luke report strong connection among her, her husband, and Bethlehem (Matthew 1:16-23; Luke 2:4-7). She was a witness to the miracle in Cana (John 2:3), portions of the ministry (Matthew 12:46), the crucifixion (John 19:25), and possibly the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28: 1; Mark 16:1; Luke 24:10).

She is also mentioned as being present during a meeting of disciples after Jesus’ resurrection (Acts 1:14). Nowhere in the Bible is Mary’s genealogy reported, although later traditions attempted to identify the genealogical record found in Luke as that of Mary (Luke 3:23-38).

Who was Mary Magdalene?

Mary Magdalene was from the town of Magdala. She probably offered financial support for Jesus Christ’s ministry as suggested by her ability to travel freely (Mark 15:41; Luke 8:1-2). She was healed miraculously of demonic possession (Luke 8: 2). She witnessed the crucifixion, burial, empty tomb, and Jesus’ resurrected body (see Matthew 27:55-56, 61: John 20:14-18). According to the Gospel of John, she was the first person to see Jesus after the resurrection.

Who was Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus?

Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, was commended for her discipleship when her sister reported to Jesus Christ that she was overwhelmed with the domestic chores of the house (Luke 10:41-42). Mary also anointed Jesus’ feet with spikenard and dried them with her hair prior to his burial, thus making Mary the first person besides Jesus to openly call attention to his impending death (John 12:3-7).

Who is Mary, the mother of James and Joses?

Mary, the mother of James and Joses, was a disciple who followed Jesus Christ from Galilee (Matthew 27:55-56). The Gospel of Mark presents her as a benefactor of the public ministry; she was also a witness to the empty tomb (Mark 15:40-41; Matthew 27:56). She is probably the “other Mary” referred to in the accounts of the empty tomb (Matthew 27:61). Interestingly, Jesus had four brothers, the two eldest of whom were named “James and Joses” (Mark 6:3), making it possible that this Mary is the same as Jesus Christ’s mother, a conclusion supported by Mark’s assertion that this Mary was the mother of “James the less,” a popular nickname for Jesus’ younger brother by the same name (Mark 15:40).

Who is Mary, the wife of Cleophas?

Mary, the wife of Cleophas, is mentioned by name only in John 19:25 as a witness to the crucifixion and is called “Mary the wife of Cleophas” or, more literally, “Mary of Cleophas.” Some have thought she was Mary, the mother of Jesus’ sister. However, it seems unlikely that two sisters would have had the same name. Therefore, some scholars believe the reference in John listed Jesus’ mother and “his mother’s sister,” and “Mary the wife of Cleophas,” as three separate people.

Who is Mary, the mother of John Mark?

Mary, the mother of John Mark, was an important disciple who opened her home to the believers in Jerusalem shortly after the death of Jesus Christ (Acts 12:12). Luke describes her as a woman of means (Acts 12:12-14).

Who is Mary mentioned in Romans?

Mary, mentioned in Romans, appears to have no connection to any of those mentioned in the canonical Gospel, but she was a great blessing to the congregations in Rome. Paul extolled her service saying, “Greet Mary who bestowed much labor on us” (Romans 16:6).


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