
The Commission of the Seventy

"The harvest is great but the laborers are few"

Luke 10 One day, Jesus took seventy men in addition to the twelve apostles and assigned them to travel in pairs before Jesus. He instructed them, “The harvest is great but the laborers are few. Go, I send you like lambs before wolves. Don’t take money, clothes or shoes, and stay focused on your goal. Whatever house you go to, say ‘Peace on this house.’ Stay in that house, eating and drinking whatever they give you. The laborer is worthy of his wages. Whatever city you go to that receives you, eat whatever they give you. Heal the sick and tell them that the kingdom of God has come near them. Whatever city that does not receive you, go into the streets and say, ‘We wipe off the very dust from your streets from us. But now this, the kingdom of God has come near you.’ I tell you, it will be better for Sodom than that city when the kingdom does come.” These seventy went out and did as Jesus instructed. After some time, the seventy came back and reported to Jesus. “Lord, even the demons obey us by the power of your name!” a few called out excitedly. “I saw Satan fall from heaven,” said Jesus. “I give you authority over the enemy, and nothing will hurt you. Still, do not rejoice in this power over devils, but that your names are recorded in heaven.”
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