
The Wisemen Visit Jesus

"The Savior is Born"

Matthew 2


Far in the east, the wise men followed the star to see Jesus, who was a toddler by then.

“We heard that the King of Jews was born. We want to worship Him. Where is He?” the wise men asked after arriving in Jerusalem.

When King Herod heard this news, he was troubled and called his chief priests and scribes to ask where the Savior was supposed to be born.

“He was supposed to be born in Bethlehem. That’s what the prophets wrote,” they responded.

King Herod called back for the wise men and said, “When you find this child, come back and tell me where He is so I can worship him, too."

As the wise men continued their search for Jesus, they came upon the house where Jesus, Joseph, and his mother Mary were staying. To honor and worship the Savior, the wise men brought Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, precious treasures for the Son of God.

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