
The Fate of the Disciples is Foretold

"Don't be Afraid"

Matthew 10 As Jesus prepared the disciples to go out and preach as missionaries, He warned them about the trials they would face. Jesus looked around the room with His chosen twelve, and with love and confidence, He said, “I am sending you like sheep to wolves. Be careful of the people. They will whip you in their synagogues and send you before governors and kings on my behalf. This will be a testimony against them in the last day. Do not be afraid when you are brought before these rulers and don’t rehearse what to say to them. The Spirit of the Father will tell you what to say in the moment you need it. Don’t be afraid of those that can kill your body, but those that will destroy your soul. Aren’t two sparrows sold for a farthing? And yet not one of them die without it being known by your Father. Each hair on your head is numbered, so be not afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows.”
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