
Offend Not the Little Ones

"Unless you are converted"

Matthew 18 Jesus was approached one day by a disciple who asked Him, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” True to His mode of teaching by example and parable, Jesus did not answer the question until He had called a child to Him. With the child on His knee, Jesus began to teach. “Unless you are converted and become as children yourself, you will never be able to enter the kingdom of heaven,” said Jesus. “Whoever becomes humble like a little child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Additionally, whoever receives a little child like this for my sake also receives me. Whoever receives me accepts the One who sent me. Beware, however, because whoever takes a child who believes in me and teaches that child to sin instead. It would be better for that person if they were drowned in the sea than to lead a child astray.”
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