
Jesus Heals the Woman with an Issue of Blood

Have Patience and Keep Your Faith

Matthew 9

Christ was following a man who needed His help to save his young daughter, who was sick and dying. As they walked through the crowded streets with the twelve apostles following, a woman heard they were approaching where she sat.

This woman had been sick with an issue of blood for twelve years. She had spent all her money on different doctors and treatments but found no relief. She was weak, and she was running out of money and time. Her heart leaped inside her when she heard the man called Jesus was now walking toward her.

“If I can just touch His clothes, I know I will be healed,” she whispered to herself. She sat up, and carefully watched for Him. He came into view, surrounded by the twelve and other followers. With the little strength she had left, she stood and jostled as close to Him as she could. She quickly reached out and touched His robe just as He passed.

Immediately Jesus stopped.

Who touched me?” He asked the disciples.

“Master, there are people all around you! We have all touched you,” said one of the disciples.

"Someone did touch me," Christ insisted. He had felt some of His power leave Him.

The woman began to shake, worried that maybe Christ would be angry with her.

But when Jesus saw her, He wasn't angry at all. He was very happy that the woman had faith enough to be healed.

He smiled and knelt down beside her. “Daughter, cheer up," He told her. "Your faith has made you well.

She smiled too and was healed. Jesus turned and continued walking, following the anxious father to his house.


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