
James and John Dispute Who is Greatest in the kingdom of Heaven

"Whoever wants to be great, let him minister."

Matthew 20 Before entering the city of Jerusalem for the last time, Jesus was approached by Zebedee’s wife, the mother of James and John. She was accompanied by these two sons. She fell at His feet and worshiped Him. “What would you like from me?” asked Jesus kindly. “Lord, let my two sons sit in your kingdom, one your right and one on your left,” she asked. “You do not know what you ask,” said Jesus sadly. “Are you able to drink from the cup that I will drink of, and be baptized the way I am baptized?” “We are,” said James and John. “You will indeed drink from my cup and be baptized with my baptism,” said Jesus. “But it is not mine to give the seat at my right or my left. Those seats will be given to those prepared by my Father.” When the other ten disciples returned and learned what the four and been talking about, they were angry with James and John. Seeing the contention, Jesus called them all together again and taught them. “You know that the Gentile princes use their authority over each other,” He said. “It will not be that way among you. Whoever wants to be great, let him minister. Whoever wants to be the leader, let him be a servant. Even as I, the Son of man, did not come to be ministered to, but to minister and to give my life for many.”
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