
Bartimaeus Is Healed

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

Matthew 20 Jesus and His disciples were journeying towards Jerusalem for the last time. On their way, they passed through Jericho. A great crowd of people joined Him as He walked out of the city. A little way up the highway, a blind man named Bartimaeus sat begging. He heard the commotion of feet and voices. Bartimaeus asked the people nearby what all the noise was about. They told him that it was Jesus and His follower. Bartimaeus’ heart jumped, filled with hope. Unable to move easily because of his blindness, he did what he could and began to shout. “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Bartimaeus cried over and over. The people that were close to Bartimaeus were embarrassed by his loud display, and told him to be quiet. This had the opposite effect, however, and Bartimaeus called out to Jesus even louder with greater desperation. Jesus heard Bartimaeus and stopped walking. “Bring him to me,” He directed a few of the disciples. They immediately went off to get Bartimaeus. “Don’t worry, come with us. Jesus has asked for you,” one said gently, reaching out a hand and taking Bartimaeus’. Bartimaeus happily grasped the offered hand, got up from the ground, and followed them to Jesus. “What do you want me to do for you?” asked Jesus kindly. “Lord,” said Bartimaeus, his voice thick with emotion, “please give me my sight.” Jesus smiled at the faithful man. “Go,” He said. “Your faith has healed you.” Bartimaeus’ eyes were immediately healed, and he joined the crowd following Jesus.
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